Crowds and Soldiers in Revolutionary North Carolina
Wayne E Lee
Not Available
The Changing South of Gene Patterson
Roy Peter Clark and 2 more
"Lord, We're Just Trying to Save Your Water"
Suzanne Marshall
Gendered Freedoms
Nancy Bercaw
South of the South
Raymond A Mohl and 2 more
Throwing Off the Cloak of Privilege
Gail Schmunk Murray
The Atlanta Riot
Gregory Mixon
Gail S Murray
From Saint-Domingue to New Orleans
Nathalie Dessens
Southern Character
Lisa Tendrich Frank and 1 more
Unequal Freedoms
Jeffery Glenn Strickland
Black Power in Dixie
Alton Hornsby
Everybody's Problem
Karen M Hawkins
The Seedtime, the Work, and the Harvest
Jeffrey L Littlejohn
Burning Faith
Christopher B Strain
New Directions in the Study of African American Recolonization
Beverly C Tomek and 1 more
Slavery and Freedom in the Shenandoah Valley During the Civil War Era
Jonathan A Noyalas
Southern History Remixed
Michael T Bertrand
Southern Methodist Women and Social Justice
Janet Allured and 1 more